How to Use Windows Error Checking Tool to Fix Drive Issues and Prevent DLL Errors

The built-in Error Checking tool in Microsoft Windows helps identify and fix issues on your system drives. By scanning and repairing errors, this utility can prevent file corruption, resolve system instability, and avoid DLL errors that could disrupt your experience.

  1. Open the Error Checking Tool

    Right click on the drive you want to scan and select 'Properties', and then select the 'Tools' tab.

  2. Run the Error Checking Tool

    In the 'Error Checking' section, press 'Check' and continue to scan the drive.

    Windows Error Checker - Scanning
    Initiate a scan by selecting the 'Check' button under the 'Error Checking' section.
  3. Scan for errors

    The scanning process may take several minutes depending on the size of the drive, so please be patient.

    Windows Error Checker - Complete
    Wait for the scanning process to complete. This step may take several minutes.
  4. Follow the recommended steps

    If your drive has errors, follow the recommended steps provided by Windows. After repairing any errors, restart the computer and repeat this process until no errors are remaining.

    Windows Error Checker - Finished
    Follow the suggested actions by Windows after the scan is complete. Restart your computer to apply changes.
Regularly running the Error Checking tool can help maintain system stability, prevent potential issues, and ensure your computer is free from errors.