Free web tools and utilities to help resolve .dll conflicts and fix .dll errors.
Check if your system is running on 32-bit or 64-bit.
Uploaded .dll files are scanned, validated and verified.
Request a new .dll, or a different version/variant.
Quickly search and locate a .dll file by hash such as MD5/SHA1.
This web tool helps developers create a unique .dll filename.
DLLme customized search engine (CSE) powered by Google
Download dependencies and runtime packages from official sources.
Help improve DLLme and send us your feedback.
Check for and install Windows OS updates.
Repair .dll files in the Windows system.
Register .dll files in Windows.
Check and repair windows errors.
Optimizing your computer's drives can help it run more efficiently.
Use Windows Disk Cleanup to free up disk space.
Easily uninstall unwanted software applications.
Scan for malware and/or check for quarantined .dll files.
Disable startup applications that load when the PC reboots.
A free tool in Windows to search for computer files.