Remove Programs and Features by Microsoft

The built-in 'Remove Programs and Features' by Microsoft Windows can help you uninstall and remove unwanted software applications.

When experiencing software issues, it's recommended to completely uninstall the software before re-installing the same application.

Open Disk Cleanup

Open the Windows menu and type 'disk cleanup' to access the program.

Windows Disk Cleanup

Select 'More Options' tab

Select the 'More Options' tab, and click the "Clean up..." button from the 'Programs and Features' section.

Windows Remove Programs

Select software to uninstall

Select a software item you no longer want, and click 'Uninstall'. It's recommended to fully remove software before re-installing the same application.

Windows Remove Programs
Did you know...

Avoid deleting .dll files to save space. Removal of crucial .dll files can lead to software or even the entire operating system malfunctioning.