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Integrity Check: Passed

Uncompressed Size: 61.5KB
MD5: 6492efc9c615435c62f46e32f4fa3e9b
SHA1: 4717a0d8344caf7c456b456080568db18d4889b2

Metadata Scan: Complete

File Version: 1, 9, 13, 0
Product Version: 1, 9, 13, 0
Architecture: x86-64 (64 bit)
Minimum OS Compatibility: 6.0 (Windows Vista)
Language ID: 2052 (Simplified Chinese)
Developer: WonderShare Limited
Product: Wondershare MagicXE
Description: MagicXE Dynamic Link Library

Security Scan: View Results

Last Validated: 2024-02-10
First uploaded: 2024-02-10
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