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Integrity Check: Passed

Uncompressed Size: 844.3KB
MD5: 13cc8b105d0bba45000f1327500f6e48
SHA1: ee374b266ee4697d71e34eee906a82d0e83f51d1

Metadata Scan: Complete

File Version: 3, 6, 0, 0
Product Version: 3, 6, 0, 0
Architecture: x86 (32 bit)
Minimum OS Compatibility: 4.0 (Windows 95)
Language ID: 0 (Unknown)
Developer: IBM Corporation and others
Product: International Components for Unicode
Description: IBM ICU Common DLL
Build Comments:

Security Scan: View Results

Last Validated: 2024-02-11
First uploaded: 2024-02-11
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