.dllvcruntime140_clr0400.dll : Free Download

Download and install vcruntime140_clr0400.dll to fix missing or corrupted dll errors.

Last Updated:
Jun 27th, 2024
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft® Visual Studio®
Microsoft® C Runtime Library
x86-64 (64 bit) x86 (32 bit) ARM64
Metadata Consensus:

About vcruntime140_clr0400.dll

The file `vcruntime140_clr0400.dll` is part of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio. This DLL is a component of the Microsoft C Runtime Library and plays a critical role in supporting applications developed with Microsoft Visual Studio, specifically those that use the C++ language. The "vcruntime" segment of the file name indicates its association with the Visual C++ runtime library, while "140" signifies its linkage to Visual Studio 2015, as per Microsoft's versioning convention.

The unique aspect of this DLL, denoted by the "_clr0400" suffix, is its involvement with the Common Language Runtime (CLR), version 4.0, which is the virtual machine component of Microsoft's .NET Framework. This suggests that `vcruntime140_clr0400.dll` is specifically utilized by applications that are developed using a mix of native C++ and managed .NET code, enabling such applications to leverage both the powerful features of C++ and the extensive libraries and functionalities provided by the .NET Framework.

This integration of native and managed code within the same application necessitates a specialized runtime component like `vcruntime140_clr0400.dll` to ensure smooth interoperability and execution. If this DLL is missing or corrupted, applications relying on this mixed-mode programming model may encounter errors or fail to run entirely. Typically, reinstalling or updating the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 can resolve such issues, as it reinstates `vcruntime140_clr0400.dll` along with other essential runtime libraries, ensuring the applications have the necessary support to function correctly.

How to Fix DLL Errors:

To fix .dll errors, you can try these common solutions. While some errors might need more detailed fixes, these initial steps often solve the most common problems.

Windows Error Examples:

This application has failed to start because vcruntime140_clr0400.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
vcruntime140_clr0400.dll Not Found.

Updated Mar 13th, 2024 : File information is supported by Human Assisted Artificial Intelligence and should be used as a helpful tool. However, it is important to keep in mind that this information may not be up-to-date or entirely accurate.

DLL Metadata

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Dev Notes
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