.dll fileMSVCR70.DLL : Download

Download and install MSVCR70.DLL to fix missing or corrupted dll errors.

Select a version or variant to download. In most cases, this would be the latest version (32/64-bit) from the appropriate company.

Showing 5/5 results.
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET
Microsoft® C Runtime Library
Version: 7.00.9981.0
Product Version: 7.00.9981.0
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 332KB
SHA1 d22e00c4d37a6353ad6e5302837324e5a65bd6e9
MD5 8d8a3965d5d4ccbbe4489da028cef6fc
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET
Microsoft® C Runtime Library
Version: 7.00.9466.0
Product Version: 7.00.9466.0
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 336KB
SHA1 61b8f573db448ae6351ae3475c2e7c482d81533c
MD5 9972a6ed4f2388dbfa8e0a96f6f3fdf1
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET
Microsoft® C Runtime Library
Version: 7.00.9466.0
Product Version: 7.00.9466.0
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 342.2KB
SHA1 9cc49fb9f9a745d48e7720dca4e418ddb30bd0b4
MD5 aaf7fe83ea2d5c1d1a4444db4a93839b
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET
Microsoft® C Runtime Library
Version: 7.00.9466.0
Product Version: 7.00.9466.0
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 343.2KB
SHA1 2436072e30918e82a162a7921b127964f35e3087
MD5 f02bfa954b69f0cd4def41368fe263ff
by Microsoft Corporation
for Microsoft (R) Visual C++
Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library
Version: 7.00.9064.0
Product Version: 7.00.9064.0
Language: 1033 (U.S. English)
Size 300KB
SHA1 56a1785335534e514415ebe556be353ca2f7a602
MD5 2bc64ffe088a76cbae3c19a9787e391a