.dllkillaura.dll : Free Download

Download and install killaura.dll to fix missing or corrupted dll errors.

Last Updated:
Nov 3rd, 2020
x86 (32 bit)

About killaura.dll

The `killaura.dll` file is not recognized as part of any standard, reputable software applications or libraries. The name "killaura" is commonly associated with cheat or hack modules in various multiplayer online games, particularly in the context of giving players an unfair advantage by automatically attacking entities within a certain radius around the player without needing precise aim or direct line of sight.

Files like `killaura.dll` are often part of unauthorized modifications or hacking tools designed to alter the gameplay experience in ways not intended by the game developers. Using such modifications is against the terms of service of most online games and can result in severe consequences, including account bans, loss of access to the game, and legal repercussions in some cases.

Issues with `killaura.dll`, or the mere presence of such a file, indicate the use of unauthorized game modifications. It's important to understand the risks involved with using game hacks, both from a legal and ethical standpoint and in terms of personal and system security. Unauthorized modifications can contain malware or other malicious code that compromises system security and user privacy.

If you find a file named `killaura.dll` on your system and you are unaware of how it got there or if you're experiencing issues related to such a file, it's advisable to remove the file and associated software immediately. Running a comprehensive security scan with reputable antivirus and anti-malware tools is recommended to ensure your system is clean and secure. To enjoy games and maintain fair play, it's best to engage with them as intended by the developers, without the use of cheats or hacks.

How to Fix DLL Errors:

To fix .dll errors, you can try these common solutions. While some errors might need more detailed fixes, these initial steps often solve the most common problems.

Windows Error Examples:

This application has failed to start because killaura.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
killaura.dll Not Found.

Updated Mar 16th, 2024 : File information is supported by Human Assisted Artificial Intelligence and should be used as a helpful tool. However, it is important to keep in mind that this information may not be up-to-date or entirely accurate.

DLL Metadata

Metadata details such as companies and products associated with killaura.dll.




Dev Notes
  • N/A


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89 people recently requested a new version or variant.
  1. 1.20.1
  2. 1.19.2
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